Labor day weekend is a red flag sign that one needs to get
out and grill. Grilling meats often involves the desire for a little corn on
the cob and baked beans. Normally I pick my name brand standby of Bush’s baked
beans. While I enjoy the lovable golden retriever, Duke as their marketing
shtick, I would probably still buy these beans due to their exceptional flavor.
Labor Day sales at Meijer tempted me to try a new option from the Meijer
brands. I decided to go for the larger 28 ounce size can of Meijer Country
Style Baked Beans with Bacon and Brown sugar. There were numerous options
within the Meijer bean family, though bacon and brown sugar sounds most to my
My option to select the larger can of beans was out of
necessity to feed five as we served cheddar bratwurst, hot dogs, and needed
some beans to go with it. The smaller sixteen ounce can was not going to cut
it. The large can of these high fiber beans by Meijer was only $1.69 and
approximately thirty cents cheaper than the Bushes counterpart.
As I opened the can I noticed a runny or thinner consistency
than Bush’s baked beans. However that all seemed to change as the beans warmed
up in the saucepan and I served them in a more thickened state. The beans surprisingly also measured up in
flavor and aroma. I was pleased with the decent sweet taste of the Meijer
beans. The hint of brown sugar was recognized though the chunks of bacon were
slight. I am pretty sure there are no commercially made baked beans that
provide ample amounts of bacon in a can, probably more reason to add a few
chopped slices of your own.
My conclusion of these beans was mixed. I like them but will
most likely stick to my Bush’s option and splurge on the extra thirty cents.
While I liked the taste of the Meijer beans, I was slightly put off by the pale
color of the beans as they did not have the darker tones of other brands I have
tried. I also found the sweet and smoky flavors of the Bush brand to also have
an edge over Meijer. Overall, I would still consider Meijer baked beans an
average buy.