Thursday, July 24, 2014

Review of Belmont Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

As we are midway through summer, I have had my fair share of ice cream. I do not discriminate too much on brand labels of ice cream as we shop Meijer, Aldi, and occasionally Costco. Our ice cream brand range includes Hudsonville, Purple Cow (Meijer), Sundae Shoppe (Aldi), and most recently Belmont (Aldi). It was this past weekend I picked up a container of Belmont Mint Chocolate Chip.

As we are getting burned out on the traditional flavors of Vanilla, Chocolate, cookies and cream and a few others, the mint option sounded good. The Belmont mint ice cream is sold in 1.5 quart typical rectangular/”ovalish” shaped container. The green colored container with picture of mint spring is the subtle reminder that this indeed is mint ice cream, yet with healthy amounts of chocolate chips.

After grilling dinner last Saturday evening, we decided to put this dessert to the test. The taste was good. I liked the healthy amount of chocolate chips. I am always fearful some ice cream manufacturers will skimp on the chocolate. The mint flavor within the cream did not come off as too overwhelming. It was also kind of refreshing to purchase a box of mint chocolate chip ice cream that did not have a green colored tint. This 1.5 quart ice cream set us back around $2.50. A solid buy as we made four cones that evening and still had enough to probably make three more cones.


  1. My husband and I bought this Ice cream to try. It is the best we've ever had. We buy several 1/2 gallons a week.

  2. Never bought this brand before and never will again. the amount of mint was so overpowering it was like eating toothpaste. Halfway through my bowl I had to stop because it upset my stomach ease up on the mint
