Thursday, April 19, 2012

Review of Meijer Honey Wheat Braid Pretzels

An occasional late night of television or sports usually goes over best when accompanied by a cold refreshing beverage and a small salty snack be it peanuts, popcorn or pretzels. I am a huge fan of pretzels whether served in form of being dutch, stix, rods, or braids. It appears my affinity for salty food has increased with age, though that is probably not the healthiest snack items to pursue; alas that is a post for another time. The latest review on brand x food reviews involves my critique of the Meijer honey wheat braid pretzels.
The Meijer line of pretzels comes in a bright orange bag with see through window that allows one to see   these small honey braided rods look like. The bag is a tad smaller than the usual bag of pretzels as it boasts approximately 10 ounces of pretzels in one package. I would imagine a decent size family or three adults could easily knock down a bag of this snack over a sporting event or movie without any problems.
For those that crave the heavenly combination of sweet and salt, the Meijer honey braided pretzel is for you. The pretzels are extremely delicious and not overly hard or delicately brittle. Because these small braids have a hearty flavor, it is an exercise of self-discipline not to exceed about twenty to thirty of these in one sitting.  For this reason alone, I frequently opt for a bag of popcorn instead to keep calorie counts down as I might crack the calorie ceiling eating the honey braids.
The allure of this product was a cost decision as the regular cost hovers around $1.49 per bag. Fortunately Meijer frequently advertises this item in the ten for ten dollars promotion. I usually snag about five bags for the pantry.
Overall Satisfaction
This purchase is a strong buy.  The gold and glossy braided pretzels are a sure fire hit after a stressful day at a very reasonable price.

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